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Dongguan FuCi Electronics Co., Ltd
  • Address: Golden Phoenix Industrial Zone Jinpeng Road,Fenggang Town, Dongguan City.
  • Tel: 0769-87561239
  • Fax: 0769-87563926
  • E-mail: sales@dgfuci.com

Company Profile

      Dongguan FuCi Electronics Co.,Ltd. starting in 1989, was established in Nantong, Jiangsu, the introduction of US magnetic rubber production technology and production lines, focusing magnet manufacturing, adhere to independent innovation, continuous improvement, quality first, customers first principle, experienced severe market tests, was established in 2003 in Dongguan Fu NdFeB magnetic Electronics Co. into the production line in 2007; in 2008 into halogen-free plastic magnetic independent production lines.

       The company has a number of high-quality talents, total assets of about 80 million. Total annual output of 6,000 tons of the magnet, the magnet has become a major supplier of market demand, the products are widely used in automobile manufacturing, medical equipment, electric acoustic, computers and other fields, the company has major customers Foxconn, Delta, and other well-known international and domestic enterprises;In the era of market demand for diversified products, companies focus on investment in R & D, it is expected to be upgraded to high-tech enterprises in Dongguan City in 2015 to develop a high-grade magnet products of domestic and international leading level, and the subsequent development of the company needs to provide high-end market more powerful!

Thank you for the concern and support of the FuCi company, welcome to inquire, to visit the company, our company will provide satisfactory service!


Production Capacity

· HF Process
· NdFeB Process
· Quality Policy
· Business philosophy
· Company Structure
· Lead-free Process



· Magnetic Performance
· Aluminum boron Performance
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